Letters from Sofia #3: How to Live with Meaning


Let’s Go Inside

Last month I found myself in the second largest surf capital of the world, Ericeira, Portugal. I was there for my Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Level 3 training. I arrived at 3am and made my way to the hotel right on the coast. I was met by the warm glow of the full moon, the sound of crashing waves, and the intoxicating ocean smell. Every afternoon upon finishing our 8-hour training a group of us, who came to be known as the "Wave Warriors," would answer the call of the ocean. The "call" is the only way I can put it into words. The waves possessed their own gravitational field pulling us in despite the parts of us that feared for our lives.

The ocean became a sacred space filled with splashes, swells, and surges. Everyday we returned to the waves as though we were making an offering. We were baptized by the water that beckoned us to bring forth what lay dormant within us. Heraclitus' words come to mind, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." With each ocean embrace we surrendered our past self to give birth to our future self. The water became the meeting place, where past, present, and future converged. We reached the point of no return over and over again with each rising crest.

We entered the alchemical liminal space in which lead becomes gold, fear becomes joy, pain becomes pleasure. We met each wave as if we were meeting life, with equal force knowing full well each surge was an initiation demanding us to be present...or else. We were called to experience the power of nature. We answered this call by creating our own gravitational field pulling in the playfulness, laughter, and aliveness we yearned for--that was our birth right. Poseidon would be pleased with us, that's for sure.

This is catharsis, purification, and metamorphosis. It's what we're born to do. Trauma draws a veil over our minds and hearts, blinding us to our truth. It makes us feel like we deserve the fear and pain and are destined to carry the unbearable weight of lead for eternity. It makes us feel like we are not entitled to joy, pleasure, and life itself. The forgotten truth is that transcendence is our default. We have forgotten the rapture--the mystical experience of overwhelming emotion leading to divine knowledge. It's the inevitable result of accepting and embracing your unique hero's journey. We are destined for gold and other hidden treasures that lie in the depths of our wounded Being.

I invite you to think about the moments in your life when you're called to step into the "river" or dive into the "ocean" that beckons you to bring forth that which lies dormant within you. It could be a challenging project, a tumultuous relationship, an illness, the death of a loved one, a sense of disconnection or alienation from yourself and others. These are moments of potential transformation and transmutation. Perhaps they are dark nights of the soul. Perhaps they are an opportunity to throw caution to the wind and to surrender to something greater within you and beyond you. In this surrender, you can find the freedom that awaits you. “Whatever it takes for you to find your freedom, that's what you've lived," as author and teacher Byron Katie states.


  • Under what conditions or in which situations have you felt the call to step into your "river" or dive into your "ocean" and be transformed? When have you experienced a sense of rapture and undergone an emotional or spiritual baptism? What was that like for you?

  • I invite you to wonder about how this present moment can induce a state of rapture. What “lead” is here that can be transmuted to gold? What is your call to adventure in the here-and-now?

  • Can you get to know with curiosity and compassion the parts of you that are scared to be present and open-hearted to this moment? How are they burdened by past experiences and what are their concerns today?

  • What if transcendence was your default? What if you could turn whatever trauma or tragedy befalls you into your own myth? How would you rewrite your story so you can fall "upward" and come away with a greater sense of meaning and aliveness?

More from Sofia

Letters from Sofia #1: Your Way Into the Light / newsletter

My first newsletter in case you missed it. I share with you the hero's journey of trauma recovery, how to reconnect with your Self, and the importance of feeling at home in our minds and bodies.

Letters from Sofia #2: Your Invitation to Magical Living / newsletter

My previous newsletter on finding your magic inspired by Halloween. I invite you to reflect on your “mask” or persona, what lies beneath the “mask,” and how to integrate your “shadow” to live in more alignment with greater joy and fulfillment.

Invitations for Exploration

  • I'm Reading: 

Dark Nights of the Soul: A guide to finding your way through Life’s Ordeals by Thomas Moore. This book by Thomas Moore provides a reframe on the classic dark night of the soul. Reading it feels like a balm for the soul and make it feel not only okay but also essential and worthwhile to sit in the darkness and wait for the hidden treasures or elixirs of your unique underworld to shine forth.

  • I'm Watching: ​

Johanna Under The Ice by Nowness. This is a video of Johanna, who began cold water treatment to prevent the amputation of her broken leg. Through the brokenness and pain a beautiful, peaceful new world was revealed to her. This has become a metaphor for how the brokenness and fragmentation of our psyches can act as trailheads leading us to deep healing, transformation, and freedom.

  • I'm Listening To: 

​Doctor Gabor Mate: The Shocking Link between Kindness and Illness | The Diary of a CEO. Dr. Gabor Mate shares the link between relational patterns and the potential for illness. He reveals how emotional dynamics playing out in your relationships may be impacting your mind-body connection and overall physical health. By sharing his vulnerability and transparency, he invites you to reflect on how your body may be saying “no” and how you can say “yes” to being in alignment with your true nature.


Ready to heal from trauma and find your aliveness?